
Books by Kinnebrew

The Conceits

On Hope (essay)

Artist Statement Aug 1998

Personal Philosophy Statement 2004




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Books By Kinnebrew

This book has not been published but is available in manuscript form.

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The Orchard (fiction)

Digital Collage (coffee table book)

The Yerkes Project (fiction)

Tick Tock (non fiction)

eYe Think Art (non fiction)

Sleepers (fiction)

New think, New Reality, New Science.

A man who changes the way people see, hear and do things. He creates a foundation and with others, selects artists to build enormous monuments to start the process of new ways to see things. It begins in Chicago and moves to a technologically advanced facility at the Yerkes Observatory on Geneva Lake in Wisconsin.

The way artists think, and what their methods contribute to our way of life is critically explored in a compeling story of audacity and vision. People ask why the most refined and valuable records of human existence are in art museums, created mostly by artists who were isolated and marginalized when they were alive. The importance of subjective and increasingly abstract thinking is presented in art and in other areas of our changing world, and then integrated into new methods of analysis and problem solving .

This is a book about what it’s like when things go right. Peter Alexandrine is a visionary who, with his friend, the two create an unprecedented think tank to attract the best minds and develop a creative path into today and on to the future.

This is a thought provoking piece of fiction written by an internationally recognized fine artist who understands the processes and benefits of creativity. His story argues forcibly for the greater integration of artists beyond their studios and into various aspects of our lives.